Awana (derived from the first letters of approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed as taken from 2 Timothy 2:15) is an international evangelical nonprofit organization founded in 1950, headquartered in Streamwood, Illinois. Awana is a global, nonprofit ministry committed to the belief that the greatest impact for Christ starts with kids who know, love and serve Him. The mission of Awana is to help “churches and parents worldwide raise children and youth to know, love and serve Christ.”
Our Awana program at Kingdom Church meets on Wednesday nights during the school year and offers multiple curricula levels from toddlers thru 5th grade.
Puggles has three “friends” in the materials – Sydney the Koala, Alice the Kangaroo, Puggle the Platypus. The precepts taught are that “God made all things”, “give thanks” and “God is love”. Age: 2
Cubbies friends include Cubbie Bear, Katie Collie and Luvie Lamb. This material was updated in 2013 and 2014 and the former “Hopper” and “Jumper” handbooks have been replaced with “AppleSeed” and “HoneyComb”. The two handbooks are completed in alternating years and HoneyComb is the handbook for the 2015-2016 Awana year. Ages: 3-Pre-K.
Sparks friends include Sparkie the firefly and children named Chloe, Joel, Jacob and Chloe’s dog Sebastian. The original three-book series was called Skipper, Hiker and Climber. This curriculum was updated 2009-2011 and replaced with HangGlider, WingRunner and SkyStormer. If a clubber completes all three handbooks they earn the Sparky Award Plaque and Pin as second graders. Ages K-2nd Grade.
T&T (truth and training) friends include children and the dog, Streamwood. The books are called Ultimate Adventure 1 and 2 and Ultimate Challenge 1 and 2. There is an award for each book completed between Grade 3 to Grade 6 – Alpha Award (one book), Excellence Award (two books), Challenge Award (three books) and Timothy Award (four books). Ages 3rd-5th Grade